Hair loss treatment for women

Causes of hair loss in women

According to studies, 80% of hair loss cases in women are due to hormonal disorders – specifically a decrease in the hormone estrogen – otherwise known as the female hormone.

When this hormone drops, the body releases more of a hormone called DHT (short for Dihydrotestosterone – found in the adrenal glands, hair follicles, testes, and prostate). If testosterone and estrogen are in the normal range, then this hormone DHT exists only in low levels.

When DHT is high, the scalp will increase sebum production. The hair follicles are blocked and shrunk, the blood supply to the hair follicles is poor, and the blood circulation under the hair follicles is also limited, thereby causing the hair follicles to deteriorate, and weak hair, easy to fall out.

As women enter middle age, estrogen declines rapidly, which explains why they experience more hair loss than women of other ages.

In addition to hormonal factors, hair loss can also be greatly influenced by genetics, which means that if a parent or family member has hair loss, the children are also likely to have more hair loss. 

Besides, staying up late, stress, and a diet lacking nutrients… also increase the risk of hormonal disorders, which will cause more hair loss.

There are many different treatment options for women. Including topical medications, such as Rogaine. Other options include light therapy, hormone therapy, or in some cases, hair transplants.

Eating a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help keep hair healthy.

Hair loss treatment for women

1. Minoxidil

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Minoxidil for the treatment of hair loss. Sold under the brand name Rogaine, as with other generic brands, people can buy Minoxidil over-the-counter (OTC).

 Minoxidil is safe for both men and women, and people report high satisfaction rates after using it.

Minoxidil stimulates hair growth and may increase its growth cycle. It can make hair thicker and reduce frizz or grow wider.

Minoxidil treatments are available in two concentrations: 2% solution requires twice daily use for best results, while 5% solution or foam requires daily use.

Clearly, minoxidil is not a miracle drug.

While it can induce some fine new hair growth in some – not all – women, it cannot restore all lost hair density.

This is not a quick fix, for hair loss in women. You won’t see results until you’ve used the medicine for at least two months. Effectiveness usually peaks around four months, but can take longer, so plan to try it out for six to 12 months.

If minoxidil is right for you, you will need to keep using it to maintain those results. If you stop, you will start to lose your hair again.

How to use minoxidil:

Make sure your hair and scalp are dry. Using the dropper or spray pump provided with the over-the-counter solution, apply the solution twice daily to all thinning areas of hair. Gently massage into the scalp with your fingers so it can reach the hair follicles. Then, dry your hair, wash your hands thoroughly and rinse the solution that has been applied to your forehead or face. Do not wash your hair for at least four hours afterward.

Some women find that the minoxidil solution leaves a residue that dries and irritates their scalp. This irritation, known as contact dermatitis, may not be caused by minoxidil itself, but rather by the alcohol that is included to facilitate drying of the skin.

Side effects and concerns: Minoxidil is safe, but it can have unpleasant side effects, even in addition to alcohol-related skin irritation. Sometimes new hair has a different color and texture than the surrounding hair. Another risk is hirsutism – excessive hair growth in inappropriate places, such as cheeks or forehead. (This problem is more likely with the stronger 5% solution.)

2. Hair transplants

Hair transplant, a procedure used in the United States since the 1950s to treat male hormonal alopecia, involves removing a strip of scalp at the back of the head and using it to cover a bald patch . Today, 90% of hair transplant surgeons use a technique called follicular unit implantation, introduced in the mid-1990s.

In this procedure, surgeons remove a narrow strip of the scalp and divide it into hundreds of small grafts, each containing only a few hairs. Each graft is planted into a slit in the scalp created by a blade or needle in the area of ​​hair loss. Hair grows naturally this way, in small clusters of one to four follicles, called follicular units. As a result, the graft looks better than the larger “plugs” associated with hair transplants of previous years.

3. You can improve hair loss with a healthy diet

Although hair loss does not affect health, it can create a low self-esteem about hair for women. In addition to the above methods, you can improve hair loss with a healthy diet.

Eat a lot of green vegetables:

Following a diet with lots of green vegetables and fresh fruits, such as basil, parsley, salads can reduce the risk of androgenetic hair loss, and slow down the onset of hair loss. hair in women.

Protein supply:

hair follicles are made up mainly of a protein called keratin. A deficiency of this substance in the body can lead to hair loss. To improve this, you should get more protein through healthy foods, including eggs, peas, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy products or chicken.

Vitamin A Supplement:

Vitamin A is made up of part of retinoids, which are substances that have the ability to speed up hair growth. Moreover, vitamin A is also very helpful in the production of sebum, keeping the scalp healthy and preventing hair loss. Several foods are rich in vitamin A, including sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, or spinach.

Using multivitamins:

Scientists have shown that vitamins such as A, B, C, D, selenium, iron and zinc are all substances that play an extremely important role in growth and development. maintain healthy hair.


Biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7, is often involved in the synthesis of fatty acids in the body. This is essential for the life of the hair, so hair loss in women can occur if there is a biotin deficiency. Doctors often recommend that women at risk of hair loss take 3 to 5 milligrams of biotin per day.

Regular hair care:

You should also wash your hair regularly to keep your scalp healthy and prevent hair loss. However, you should only use mild shampoos, avoid using products containing many highly detergent ingredients, as it can cause hair dryness, leading to breakage or hair loss.

Use coconut oil:

Coconut oil is a great source of nutrients that help prevent damage to the hair caused by combing or overexposure to UV rays. Besides, the lauric acid present in coconut oil helps to bind the proteins in the hair together, thereby protecting the hair strands from breaking. In addition, the scalp massage with coconut oil can also promote blood circulation.

See more articles > 5 best vitamins for hair growth


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