What Should You Eat When You’re Hungry To Lose Weight?

food to lose weight

What should you eat when you’re hungry to lose weight?

When following the diet, midday hunger is inevitable because the amount of food is reduced in the main meals or the energy intake is reduced to fit the diet. So, what to eat to lose weight when hungry?

1. Eat low-calorie protein-rich foods

When you feel hungry between meals, it’s usually because your body isn’t getting enough protein. Adding protein to each meal will help fight hunger at the end of the day. Eating more protein makes the body feel full faster than it uses carbohydrates and fats. This is beneficial for athletes, who often have to load up on energy-rich foods to help their bodies function at high intensity.

When you feel full quickly, you will reduce your appetite, thereby reducing your calorie intake. This is an extremely important factor for people who are looking to lose weight.

Potatoes are a healthy source of protein for the body.

foods to lose weight
foods to lose weight

2. Eat foods rich in fiber

Fiber is an indigestible component of plant foods and helps to add a large amount to meals, slows down the digestive process, creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, and limits cravings, so it is very necessary for people who want to lose weight.

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, etc. are excellent sources of natural fiber. You can eat about 1 cup of raspberries containing about 64 calories and that serving provides 8g of fiber for the body. Greek yogurt can be combined with berries to provide a small meal full of protein and fiber.

3. Eat Complex Carbohydrates

Adding foods with fiber and protein, and avoiding foods, such as refined grains, that have had their fiber removed but are high in simple carbohydrates (and sugars) will help keep you feeling full for longer. While starchy, quick-calorie foods can be what you crave when you feel very hungry but do not create a feeling of fullness for the body.

When focusing on losing or maintaining weight, there are certain carbs to use such as beans and legumes, fruits, whole grain products, and vegetables that contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber to help provide energy. quantity for the body. And they’re less likely to spike your blood sugar, which can fuel your body for a longer period.

Eat Complex Carbohydrates
Eat Complex Carbohydrates

4. Foods to eat when hungry and want to lose weight

If you’re hungry but have weight loss goals, choose meals and snacks that are lower in calories but full of nutrients. Foods high in fiber (like most fruits and vegetables) and lean protein (chicken breast, tuna, etc.) are great choices.

4.1 Protein-rich foods

Food rich in protein and good for people who are planning to lose weight is fish. Tuna or salmon can be easily added to dishes like salads, sandwiches, or whole-grain pasta.

Chicken breast, lean ground turkey and lean ground beef, eggs… are also sources of protein-rich foods that should be included in the daily menu while on a weight loss diet.

When you need a protein-rich snack, Greek yogurt is a great choice. Legumes such as black beans and chickpeas are a rich source of plant-based protein. They can be roasted for snacks or added to soups or salads.

4.2 Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain many vitamins and fiber but are low in starch, so you can replace rice with sweet potatoes in your daily diet with many ways of processing such as boiled, baked, or dried.

Eating sweet potatoes also helps you feel full faster and also feel fuller for longer. In the snack, if you feel hungry, you can eat a small potato to help provide more energy to continue working.

4.3 Apples

This is the top fruit that experts recommend eating on an empty stomach for effective weight loss. That’s because apples contain a lot of fiber that reduces appetite and contains a lot of vitamin C to help fight skin aging effectively. Eating an apple as a snack will help you quickly get rid of hunger.

eat apple to lose weight
eat apple to lose weight

4.4 Oats

Oats are an indispensable food when making a weight loss menu to eat when hungry. Because oats are rich in fiber, do not contain fat, do not contain sugar, they contain many B vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Eating oats on an empty stomach does not make you gain weight, on the contrary, it also aids in weight loss.

4.5 Chia seeds are a great choice for people who are losing weight but are hungry

Chia seeds are very good food for choosing what to eat when hungry. Chia seeds are rich in fiber and protein, when soaked in water, they will swell many times and create a mucous membrane around them, bringing a feeling of fullness and slowing down the absorption of food. Chia seeds can be mixed with warm water to drink, or mixed into fruit juice.

4.6 Fresh milk without sugar

Unsweetened fresh milk contains a lot of calcium, which stimulates the burning of excess fat and prevents the accumulation of excess fat. Drinking 1 glass of fresh milk without sugar on an empty stomach will provide more energy for the day’s activities.

4.7 Drink filtered water

Water is an important part of the human body, drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day is the advice of experts for everyone, especially those who are on a weight loss diet. Drinking filtered water will increase the feeling of fullness and dispel the feeling of hunger in the middle of the day when following the diet.

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2 thoughts on “What Should You Eat When You’re Hungry To Lose Weight?

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